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What's hot right now!

A Young Man with a Notebook

Take a moment to explore the titles below to encourage you to thrive, flourish and be present in this moment!

The curated collection of titles below offer you recommendations of books I've read, want to read or hope one day they will be "movie ready."  The month of July highlights new and or discoverable authors you just may want to try!  Happy reading!!

Create fun photo moments... 

Reading is always fun when you are doing it in your "fav" place!

Choose your instragramable reading place!

Blue Ocean Photo Summer Instagram Post.p
Canva - Interior Design.jpg
Canva - Landscape Photography of Waterfa

Images courtesy of Canva

Video spotlight of the Month!

Affirmation Corner:

Know that you are gem, so don't let anyone dim your shine! 


Unknown Author

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